Appointment Maker convert any div in an appointment box
Features of Appointment Maker
This is a demonstration of Appointment Maker. The demo script does not submit any form
It can be used for bookings of events too. To add a payment step you can use the event 'am.ajax.confirm.sended' after submitting confirmation.
Include required scripts and css files in the head of your website
Required stuff:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- CDN files jQuery and Moment .js -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - only for IE, to fix fill issue (IE not recognize method fill) -->
<!-- if you dont use IE, remove it -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<script src=",Array.prototype.includes"></script>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- appointment maker core files .js -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<script src="js/jquery.appointment-maker.min.js"></script>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- appointment maker css files .css -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<link href="css/jquery.appointment-maker.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Add a container (e.g. div element) to your website
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div id="appointment-maker"></div>
Initiate Appointment Maker by $(you selector).appointment_maker()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Is triggered on ajax error
Is triggered when ajax request was successful
Is triggered when appointment content has changed
Is triggered before going back
Is triggered after going back
Is triggered when clicked on time
Is triggered when clicked on a day
Is triggered when clicked on an event
Is triggered if send confirmation was successful
Is triggered if make new appointment button was clicked
$('appointment maker selector').get_appointment() returns object with all infos (Event, Date, Time)
"date": [
"time": "12:30",
"event": {
"listid": 0,
"name": "Gynecologist",
"customid": "event_001"
eventlist (required) (object)
Object with all events to show
{... name: ...} name is required
{... customid: ...} name is optional. Can be used for own identifier (e.g. in database)
eventlist: {0: {'name': 'Gynecologist', 'customid': 'event_001'},
1: {'name': 'Dentist', 'customid': 'event_002'},
2: {'name': 'Ophthalmologist', 'customid': 'event_003'},
3: {'name': 'Dermatologist', 'customid': 'event_004'},
4: {'name': 'Other'}}
With eventlist you can also set different appointments for each event. Best practice is to use ajax
eventlist: function(){
var result;
url: 'php_scripts/get_events.php',
method: "POST",
async: false,
data: {},
success: function(data) {
result = $.parseJSON(data);
error: function() {
result = {};
return result;
echo json_encode(array( array('name' => 'Gynecologist',
'customid' => 'event_001',
'start_date' => '2018-11-01',
'end_date' => '2019-02-01',
'disabled_days' => array('2018-11-26', '2018-12-13'),
'disabled_weekdays' => array(0,1,6), //(0 = Sunday -> 6 = Saturday)
'timelist' => array('0' => null,
'1' => array('09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'),
'2' => array('09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'),
'3' => array('09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'),
'4' => array('09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'),
'5' => array('09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'),
'6' => null)),
array('name' => 'Dentist',
'customid' => 'event_001',
'disabled_days' => array(),
'disabled_weekdays' => array(0,6), //(0 = Sunday -> 6 = Saturday)
'timelist' => array('0' => null,
'1' => array('09:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30'),
'2' => array('09:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30', '15:30','16:30'),
'3' => array('09:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30'),
'4' => array('09:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30', '17:00'),
'5' => array('09:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30'),
'6' => null)),
array('name' => 'Other')));
disabled_days (array)
Will disable specific dates
disabled_days: ['10-26-2018', '10-10-2018']
locale (string alpha-2 country code lowercase)
Set the moment.js locale
locale: 'en'
disabled_weekdays (array)
Will disable day in week
disabled_weekdays: [0,6]
calendar_view (string)
Set the view of calender
Valid values:
calendar_view: 'week'
show_format (moment.js format)
Format the show date output
Valid moment.js formats are here
show_format: show_format: 'DD. MMMM YYYY' //(output 12. December 2018)
timelist (object)
Set the time list for appointments
timelist: [
[], // Sunday
['09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'], // Monday
['09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'], // Tuesday
['09:00', '10:00', '11:00'], // Wednesday
['09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'], // Thursday
['09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '15:00','16:00'], // Friday
[] // Saturday
use_timelist_ajax_request (boolean)
If true will get the time list with a ajax request. timelist_ajax_path has to be set if use_timelist_ajax_request is true
use_timelist_ajax_request: true
timelist_ajax_path (path / url)
Only used if use_timelist_ajax_request is set to true. Will get the time list with availabilities from ajax call
$_POST variables are:
timelist_ajax_path: 'php_scripts/get_timelist.php'
echo json_encode(array('timelist' => array('09:30' => array('available' => 15),
'10:30' => array('available' => 8),
'11:30' => array('available' => 0),
'12:30' => array('available' => 20),
'15:30' => array('available' => 4),
'16:30' => array('available' => 12))));
text_confirm_formfields (object)
Set the form field sfor the last step
Possible fields are:
{... text: ...} is required
{... placeholder: ...} is optional
text_confirm_formfields: {'firstname': {'text':'First name', 'placeholder':'First name (required)'},
'lastname': {'text':'Last name'},
'mobile': {'text':'Mobile number'},
'landline': {'text':'Landline number'},
'email': {'text':'Email'}}
If you need e.g just the email field then do following
text_confirm_formfields: {'email': {'text':'Email'}}
submit_path (path / url)
Path where to submit the appointment. Submits are maked with ajax calls
$_POST variables are:
Able to handle returns
submit_path: 'php_scripts/submit_form.php'
text_select_event (string)
Define the text for event selection
text_select_event: 'Select an event'
text_select_day (string)
Define the text for day selection
text_select_day: 'Select a day'
text_select_time (string)
Define the text for time selection
text_select_time: 'Select a time'
text_calendar_week (string)
Define the text the calendar week
text_calendar_week: 'Calendar week'
text_time_availability (string)
Define the text for availability
text_time_availability: 'Availability'
text_no_availability (string)
Define the text for no appointments available
text_no_availability: 'No appointment available'
text_your_appointment (string)
Define the text for selected appointment
text_your_appointment: 'Your appointment'
text_your_data (string)
Define the text for fill out form
text_your_data: 'Please fill out the form'
text_confirm_header (string)
Define the text for the confirmation header
text_confirm_header: 'Confirmation'
text_confirm_done (string)
Define the text for the confirmation done
text_confirm_done: 'Thanks you.<br>We have noted the appointment for you.'
text_another_appointment (string)
Define the text for the make another appointment button
text_another_appointment: 'Make another appointment'